"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney

Friday, October 26, 2012

Costume Sneak Peek

I am quite proud of myself. I have only one more item to check off on my to-do list: buy race day fuel. I am just under two weeks out before I travel to Disney, and just over two weeks out before the race. Part of me is hating the feeling that time is dragging, as it seems to do before every Disney trip. The other part is wondering where the heck time has gone...it feels like just yesterday that I still had months of training to go. Now I only have five training runs left (six if I choose to run the evening I arrive at Disney). We are really down to the wire.

With so little time left, I wanted to give a sneak peek at my running costume....

Yes, the arm warmers finally arrived! I will be testing them out this weekend to see if I really want to do the race in them. If anything, I will be using them for a group photo pre-race with my DISboards WISH friends. All I am waiting on is the headband, which shipped out yesterday. If the sneak peek of this running costume for a Disney race wasn't enough of a clue to show who I will be...it is Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

Temps here seemed to have finally gotten into the fall season range, which makes it ideal for running...and brings out my inner baker. So I think I will be making cauliflower poppers a bit later today. Have a wonderful day!


Baked Cauliflower Poppers
Courtesy of Delighted Momma, found on pinterest

2 heads of cauliflower
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and clean the cauliflower; cut off and discard the stem. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces. In a large bowl, combine olive oil, salt, and pepper. Add the cauliflower pieces and thoroughly coat each piece. Place the cauliflower pieces onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for one hour, and turn three times during baking until each piece has a nice brown coloring. The browner they are, the better. Remove from oven and enjoy!

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